
If you are going to sell a property through an estate agent, you will almost certainly be asked to sign an agency agreement and terms of business. There are a number of different agency agreements, each of which have their own advantages and disadvantages and specific terms and conditions under which you will have to pay a fee.

Let’s face it, when it comes to choosing an Estate Agent, there are a lot of options available with a plethora of traditional high street, on-line and hybrid agencies to choose from. Understandably, for many people, fees are the key determinant of how they choose an agent,  

Selling a property can be an expensive exercise. Understandably, most people are working within a budget and are looking for ways to minimise costs. Undertaking a DIY sale by not using an Estate Agent is one way to cut costs but, as we explain below, this strategy might quickly turn out to be “penny wise, but pound foolish”.

When it comes to selling your home, one of the most important decisions that you will have to make is setting the price at which your property should be marketed and listed. It’s a delicate balance between achieving the maximum amount versus not being able to sell your property and having it go "stale" on listing websites. 

When you own a leasehold, you have the right to occupy that property for a determined period of time and you are called a “leaseholder”. The right of occupancy is principally governed by a legal document called the lease. As a leaseholder, you do not “own” the property or the land and you will have a landlord. 

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